ING !!

A person whose manner of speaking has been set for some time past and who wishes to speak in a different way needs to develop greater flexibility of the vocal organs and the lungs, both in order to loosen the set way of speaking and to acquire the new way. Thus, exercises are necessary as a first step and should be continued until the new method of speaking has been per- fected. The flexibility obtained in this way should also enable th the speaker to alternate easily between the new and old ways of speaking.

The recommended exercises are of two kinds: physical and vocal. The following physical exercises will improve flexibility of the thorax and improve deportment generally. They should be performed morning and evening each day for about 10 minutes.

1. Place hands on the lower ribs at each side with the fingers forward. Keeping the rest of the body rigid, force the rib cage alternately to the right and the left to loosen it.

2. Stretch up from the waist several times, contracting the waist muscles. Follow this by stretching sideways from the waist, sliding arms down legs.

3. Keeping the rest of the body rigid, bend the pelvis for- wards, backwards and sideways. Repeat several times.
